Level |
Bronze | Silver | Gold |
RAM - Operating System Specific |
4G | 8G | 16G |
Traffic |
50GB | 100GB | 500GB |
CPU Xeon Quad Core x 2 (Virtual CPU) |
1x4v cores | 2x4v cores | 2x4v cores |
Disk Space (including space used by the operating system) |
50GB | 100GB | 200GB |
Additional Disk Space |
$11 per 100GB/month |
Server high availability (server hot-spare disks) |
Redundant Power Supply 2 Per Server |
Storage system RAID 10 and hot-spare redundancy |
Operating Systems Supported |
Any available on VmWare compatibility list |
Setup Fees | $150 |
Monthly Fees | $100 |
$300 |
$500 |
Regular snapshots - Monthly fee | 20 | ||
24/7 Automated System and Service Monitoring |
Redundant DNS Servers |
Regular Data Backup |
Restoration Request |
55 | per incident | |
Non Managed Restoration Request |
$110 | per incident * |